Influential books speak to me, to be honest with myself and have the courage to show up in the world with my truth.

I grew up living with my shadows that get triggered a lot of times. Shadows are the part of me that I try to shove beneath my heart because it’s too painful to see, but the moment I choose to grow, then I have to love them. They show me what’s important to me, what I’m protecting myself from, and where I can assure my inner child that I’m now strong enough to take care of her.

When I couldn’t speak and live my truth, I envied the vocal people or even went changing the world. Many nights, I cried myself to sleep or sobbed as quietly as I could in the bathroom where no one could hear me. I negotiated and begged God to show me how to move forward and stop being lost while also feeling I wasted my life.

These books with authors who loudly share their wisdom I’ve considered mentors. They were shining light to a path that I could start walking, and the more I opened my heart, the more I heard the message of hope and truth. I learn from these different teachers to fully experience my SOUL living a human life.

If you’re embarking on having a more profound perspective about life and a new way of moving in the world, these are the books that you can start diving into.

Book #5: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

I read this book years ago, and when I reread it again, this time I’m witnessing in a flash how this single book planted healthy agreements that changed me into who I am today. Yes, a seed in my fertile soil now bloomed of what it was meant to be.

Don Miguel Ruiz’s teachings go beyond the four agreements. He illustrates the wisdom in practical scenarios, and the last chapter called ‘Prayer’ cracked my heart even more expansive.

The real us is pure love, pure light.

Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive – the risk to be alive and express what we really are.

Don Miguel Ruiz

Book #4: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

It took me a while to finally read this book, and when I finished, I’ve got all my closest couple friends a copy. Living in a partnership or establishing a healthy connection with someone requires learning new skills to truly show our understood and reciprocated feelings.

My love languages are both Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service. What’s yours (take the quiz online to find out)?

All five languages can be learned. The number of ways to express love within a love language is limited only by your imagination.

True love always liberates. When our love tank is full, we create a climate of friendliness, a climate that seeks to understand, that is willing to allow differences and to negotiate problems.

Forgiveness is the way of love.

I believe that our deepest emotional need is the need to be feel loved. I need to be loved by someone who chooses to love me.

Gary Chapman

Book #3: The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck

It was an honest journey back to my hell and out. Don’t get scared facing your demon because it’s part of your story, hiding a pain wanting to be healed. It talked about integrity so beautifully, the cure for unhappiness.

To be in integrity is to be one thing, whole and undivided.

Emotionally, we feel grumpy, sad, or numb. Physically, our immune systems and muscles weaken; we might get sick, and even if we don’t, our energy flattens. Mentally, we lose focus and clarity. That’s how it feels to be out of integrity. Our true nature is serious about restoring us to wholeness, it hauls out the one tool that reliably gets our attention: suffering.

Martha Beck

Book #2: Whole Brain Living by Jill Bolte Taylor

I love this book because it helped me understand the 4 characters in my own brain to bring forward my best and most authentic self. When I speak with another person, I’m very conscious that there are 8 characters in the scenario.

I have learned is that we do have the power to pause, sidestep our habituated patterns, and make better choices. We have the power to choose moment by moment who and how we want to be in the world.

Every ability we have, we have because we have cells performing that function.

We are perfect, whole, and beautiful. I want that message to land squarely in the fertile ground of your open heart.

Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.

Book #1: Ask And It Is Given by The Teachings of Abraham (Esther and Jerry Hicks)

This was my first book from the Teachings of Abraham, and boy does it leak a massive amount of positive vibrations. Touching it triggers joy in me while my logical mind was satisfied to learn to make deliberate choices.

My best learning from this book is to stop hurrying all the time because this whole lifetime will never be enough to get everything done, so I might as well be intentional of what I do in every moment that gives me a better feeling thought.

This book is about consciously allowing your natural connection to the Stream of Well-Being. It is about remembering who you really are so that you can get on with the creation of your life experience in the way you intended before you came forth into this physical body, and into this magnificent Leading-Edge experience… where you fully intended to express your freedom in endless, joyous, co-creative ways.

The Teachings of Abraham

Your two cents

Have you read any or all of them? Tell me about your experience on how it changed you. Or which of the excerpt from the books that I’ve shared above intrigued you the most?


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