Soul Engagement allows your spiritual essence, the energetic consciousness of you that can live many lifetimes, to be fully integrated in your day-to-day human life. I’d like us to invite that part that knows unconditional love, an inner knowing that all is well in this constant evolution of the universe, and to live whole without denying what lights up our hearts in the present moment.

Sorren Caryl
  1. The yellow color puts me into a joyful mood, including yellow-colored food (señorita banana).
  2. I adore sunlight because it energizes me, especially in the morning and during cold weather.
  3. Organizing (borderline OCD) Marie Kondo style delights me. Everything must have an intentional place to go back to.
  4. Sports movies and documentaries (Seabiscuit, The Mighty Ducks, The Playbook: A Coach’s Rules For Life) are my go-to for truckloads of inspiration.
  5. Mama tested my EQ using Sanrio notebook, I passed with rainbow colors. I adore beautiful spring and bound notebooks in different sizes.
  6. Passionate about writing. Blogging can totally and instantly uplift my spirit.
  7. My hunger for wisdom and entertainment leads me to read books cover to cover. Reading for me is both pleasurable and a worthy luxury.
  8. Admire Japan’s precision of designs for convenient living. My youngest sister and I remarked, “They’ve thought of everything!”
  9. Sucker for new experience coz it’s exciting. Fly in an open-door helicopter or get lost in a foreign country.
  10. Ruthlessly ripping labels, clothing ones especially the plastic makes my skin itch, and for human labels, I like shaking it up and doing the unexpected.
  11. Meditation was my salvation from my incessant mind chatters. When I start my day with this practice, the rest unfolds much calmer and more manageable.
  12. A hot salt bath cleanses my energy and soothes my muscles. This is one of my ultimate luscious self-cares at home.

Where I was: Identity that doesn’t define me

Talking about not wanting to be boxed, I was born Asian (half Filipino and half Chinese), living in the Middle East (Dubai), and carrying a European first name. I’m a Gemini Sun with Leo North Node (Western Astrology) and a Metal Monkey (Chinese Zodiac), making learning and communication a natural flair. My life path number is 8, which explains why leading with a purpose and living a balanced life are essential.

Even at a young age, I observe people and wish everyone to be kind and happy. If I’m able to break the pattern, I’ll do it. I remember my mother was concerned about bank transactions, and the bank staff who was doing his job was a little rough on how he dealt with my mother. I sent a baby poster that says, “Don’t Worry Be Happy” to the bank staff, and since then, he has softened.

I’ve noticed over the years that I was running on an autopilot loop and clueless on how to transcend. I was sure there was a good reason for all my struggles. I know that I have the free will to move forward, and if I keep making deliberate changes, being stuck won’t be the end of my story.

Where I am: I followed my thread of sweetness that made me come alive

I still couldn’t believe I was so different from who I was. I finally woke up and found my clear connection with the infinite being and intelligence, the ONE that made it all. I didn’t consciously set out to be spiritually awakened, but there came a point when nothing was giving me satisfaction, meaning, and reason to be alive.

I walk every day still with a tender heart, I can get hurt, and this time I know it’s not personal but an invitation of where else I can grow that benefits me while also healing and raising the vibration of the collective consciousness. I’m in awe at the endless moments I have and experience life with appreciation. This time I observe people and wish everyone see how powerful and beautiful they are. We are love, loving, and lovable. Love doesn’t have a beginning or end because it’s limitless and overflowing. It’s compassionate, resilient, and bound to expand. If you ask if it’s ever-present and it’s me, then why don’t I feel it? I’ll ask back, “What are the walls that hinder you from recognizing its presence and allowing it to dance freely in your life?”

Where I’m going: The next part of my hero’s journey

I’m at the stage that I’m called and drawn to share what I learned and empower you to find your way to always live with your integrity and wholeness. I recognize that we’re all wonderfully created unique so take what resonates and always discern what rings true to your Soul. We’re all the heroes of our journey. We’re co-creating our lives with our vibrational asking. We’re attracting who we are energetically and not what we merely say.

Like the story of Santiago in The Alchemist, I went for an adventure out of my comfort zone. Looking for answers outside of myself, learning from different people and experiences, so when I’m finally led back home, I’m able to appreciate the treasure waiting in my backyard or within me. There are many paths to spiritual growth and possibilities of who we’re becoming; in every moment that unfolds, may we learn to be in states of joy and willingness to evolve.

Soulfully guiding heart-led working women to be ferociously whole, improve their story, and happily live their dreams.

Sorren Caryl