A workshop that lets
your gentle, tender, and courageous heart
start breathing in harmony again

Conscious Forgiveness is being honestly aware of where you are without robbing yourself of the experience of feeling hurt, demanding justice, and completely surrendering to the gift of freedom that forgiveness brings.

This is for you if…

  • You want to understand forgiveness and let its healing energy move you to balance.
  • You want to gracefully receive what happened in the past and find the courage to let it go.
  • You want to explore practicing forgiveness with ease toward yourself and others.
  • You want to feel peaceful and lighter without any baggage or, however, resentment manifests as tightness/discomfort in your body.
  • You want to embrace renewal with a new, changed narrative of choosing love over fear and ensuring hate ends with you.

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOT FOR YOU: If you have not grieved what you gravely deemed you’ve done to yourself or someone or what others did to you or to someone you care about that brought you to the path of not forgiving, especially when the incident happened a month ago.

Let’s break down what you’ll experience and learn…

  1. REVIEW: Everything that you need to forgive has occurred in the past. You can look at it with honesty and compassion — exercise to objectively flesh out wounding without feeling threatened.
  2. RECEIVE: Understanding the edges of forgiveness, what it’s not. Safe space to express the hurt you felt. Find comfort that you have learned to see all aspects of your life as essential to your growth.
  3. RELEASE: Liberate yourself from the story of suffering. Receive a powerful healing journey facilitated by the power of breath and energy.
  4. RENEW: Talk about the movement of forgiveness in your being or consciousness. Physical environment’s clearing remedies to help move stuck energy.
  5. REIMAGINE: Understanding layers and trusting your own timing and rhythm. New daily habits to consciously create your reality of love.

Hi, I’m SORREN, your CONSCIOUS FORGIVENESS WORKSHOP creator and facilitator!

I was intuitively nudged to curate this workshop attuned to the energy of September to start completing the old cycle of painful stories so you usher in newness of life filled with love, kindness, and endless possibilities of awe-ness. Most of all, I’m excited to work with you and let you discover your inner power to heal yourself.

Sorren Caryl is a heart-led Soulful Living Coach, certified Life Scripting practitioner™, Intuitive Wayshower, and an optimistic empath based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She guided a handful of soul clients from 10 countries on their journey to self-love and empowerment. Her intention for her clients is to enjoy living their most genuine desires aligned with who they truly are and to embody and express aliveness and wholeness. Connect with her by emailing sayhi@sorrencaryl.com.

First offered on 23 September 2023. If you’re interested in this workshop, fill out the form below so you’ll be notified of possible future live dates or an online masterclass –